Am thinking of implementing a personal blunder database as this seems to be a popular new feature on Galaxy and, well, anything they can do...etc!
Feel free to vote for this feature but also add suggestions for how it could work. If you've used the Galaxy feature, what is missing or how could it be improved?
One of the things I'm puzzling over is the categorisation. Galaxy has a number of simple categories but some are more subtle:
  • Opening game: within X moves of the start?
  • Middle game: middle 50% based on move count?
  • Race: trivial
  • Blitz early/middle/late: how to identify blitz and phase of game?
  • Attacking game: how is this different to blitz?
  • Mutual holding game: is this both players having advanced anchor (
  • One man back: trivial I think
  • Holding game: presumably based on our position
  • Deep anchor game: holding point deep in opponent's home board
  • Endgame contact: ???
  • Crunching game: is this useful?
  • 6 prime: trivial. Could split into theirs/ours?
  • Backgame early/late: X points behind, or multiple anchors? How to identify phase?
  • Late game hit: is this useful?
  • Close out: not sure what this is?
Personally I think this is too many categories, but I don't know. Others I can think of:
  • Missed cube
  • Incorrect cube
  • Incorrect take
  • Incorrect pass
  • Incorrect loose hit
  • Missed loose hit
  • Incorrect slot
  • Missed slot
One worry I have is that the categorisation could well change over time as the categories are refined, but am not sure how to handle this as categories cannot be assigned dynamically when there are lots of matches to consider (performance).
Would it be reasonable to limit the blunders to, say, the last 1,000 recorded?
Does anyone have a view on what should constitute a blunder, in terms of equity?
If you are willing to help refine the categories as things go forward, let me know and we can connect outside of this feedback forum...