Is it possible to make match times more clear when the players are in different time zones? I've just experienced an issue scheduling a future match (luckily caught & resolved in time), and have also had this happen before.
I was in Australia earlier this week (now back in UK), and wanted to propose a match for this coming Saturday at 12:30pm. When I selected the proposed match time of 12:30pm I specifically checked the time zone noted in the bottom left which said "Europe/London". However having now checked the schedule upon my return I can see that it was actually proposing 12:30pm Melbourne time, which is 1:30am London time. I would have missed the scheduled match by 11 hours if left unchecked.
From other feedback posts I see this also often affects US players. Perhaps a simple fix could be just showing the local time for both players, and a line at the top noting that the proposed time selected is always in the proposing player's local time?